How to Buy Images

  1. Create a free account at It takes just 30 seconds and all you need is a valid email address. Once the account is created login to
  2. Find the exact image you need or browse the categories
  3. Click on ‘Add to Cart’ button to add this file to your shopping cart. You can add multiple file to your shopping cart
  4. Once you are done with selecting photos, click on ‘Checkout’ from top menu bar of that page to checkout
  5. Choose your payment method
  6. Confirm the order and follow the instructions based on your chosen payment method and make the payment
  7. Once we have received the payment, a download link to you purchased image will be available in the ‘My Account-> My Orders-> Download’ section
  8. Click on the download icon to download your purchased file
  9. If you have any issue with the downloaded file (or any other issue), please open a support ticket. That’s it 🙂

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